All information on this website related to properties is provided to N16 Mag by third parties. This information includes, but is not limited to, property area, price of the property, floor size, address and general property information.
Property information
N16 Mag and N16 Mag franchisees hold no responsibility in making sure the information on our website provided by third parties is correct and up to date at any given point in time. In receiving information from third parties on properties for sale, purchase or rent, neither N16 Mag nor any of its franchisees, suppliers or licensors check the accuracy of the information received from third parties.
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As a result, neither N16 Mag nor any of its franchisees, licensors or suppliers accept any liability (direct or indirect) for any claim, loss, injury, damage or any consequential or incidental damage caused because of the information published on this website. This can include but not limited to any loss in savings or profits arising out of any information published on the website or because of any omission or defect in the information published.
Any information published on this website should not be referred to or relied upon for making any further investments into properties. Please make your own enquiries and seek legal advice when buying, selling or renting any property listed on our website. This also relates to any more information you may request to acquire about a property in making a decision.
In relation to the prices displayed on each of the properties on our website, the prices are current at the time of issuing the property and clearing it for publishing on the website. This information is subject to change at any given point in time and is always subject to availability.
Calculators provided on this website should be used to provide you with an idea or an estimate regarding the property you are enquiring about. These calculators are for indication purposes only. Any results from these calculators do not represent either quotes or pre-qualification for any product or service listed on our website or of that of third parties such as bank loans and finance options. Please consult your legal adviser or seek advice from your financial institution before proceeding with any transaction related to any property listed on our website.
Links to other websites
In cases where information on our website links to external links to third parties or other institutions, we do not hold the right to update information on those websites and are not responsible for the contents mentioned on those external websites.
Changes to this website
N16 Mag continuously updates this website in order to make improvements to the design and content and make sure we provide relevant information to our users at all times. We hold the right to terminate, update or improve this website without any notice to our customers and also hold the right to update our terms and conditions as deemed necessary.
Use of this website
As a lawful citizen and user of our website, you agree to not:
- Use this website to harass, defame or abuse others
- Use automated scripting software on this website
- Engage in or promote any spamming or unsolicited activity
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Governing law
All terms and conditions listed on this website and any dispute arising between N16 Mag and its customers are and will be governed by and construed in accordance with the Australian laws. Any legal action or proceeding between N16 Mag and you will be dealt with exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction in Australia.
Liveability Property Marketing Features
This features list includes features about a property that offer the potential to reduce running costs in the future. However, this is dependent and conditional to these features being used to their optimum capacity by the occupants.
Decision made by the buyer on a property based on the Liveability Property Marketing Features is at the sole discretion of the buyer and N16 Mag hold no responsibility or accountability in this manner.